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Gastric Sleeve Safety Information

Although the Gastric Sleeve is less invasive in comparison to other weight loss procedures, it’s crucial to remember that any surgical procedure has its inherent risks of complications. Prior to undergoing bariatric surgery, it is incredibly important for both your health and well-being to become educated about all the associated risks of the procedure. Be sure have a detailed discuss with your Gastric Sleeve surgeon about the potential risks, side effects, and complications that can potentially occur during the Gastric Sleeve surgery.

Indications: The Gastric Sleeve is indicated for weight reduction for obese patients. FDA requirements include a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 40, or a BMI of at least 35 with one or more obesity-related medical issue, such as type 2 diabetes or hypertension.

Contraindications: The Gastric Sleeve is not recommended for patients under 18 years old, as well as those with underlying medical issues that may deem them unqualified candidates, or increase the inherent risks of the operation. These underlying medical issues include GI conditions, cirrhosis, and symptoms and/or family history of autoimmune diseases. The Gastric Sleeve is not recommended for those patients who are not committed to making serious lifestyle changes and maintaining the pre-surgery dietary program. Patients can not have any addictions to alcohol and/or drugs. The gastric sleeve is not recommended for pregnant patients.

Adverse Events: Gastric Sleeve is a major surgical procedure and, as with other major surgeries, death is considered a potential risk. Complications during the procedure may include the risks related to any surgery, as well as the methods and medications used during the operation.

Potential complications and side effects may include but are not limited to nausea, vomiting, hair loss, blood clots, leaking at the surgical site, and infection.

Health complications may result from extreme weight loss and it might be necessary to undergo additional surgical procedures.